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Sparrow's Nest


Sparrow's Nest

Sparrow's Nest is an organization dedicated to providing safe, supportive housing and resources for unaccompanied homeless high school students in the Flathead Valley.

The phrase "unaccompanied homeless" is defined by the Department of Education in the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act and describes any student "subject to unstable, inadequate, and infrequent housing."

Montana's Office of Public Instruction estimates 12.2% of high school students in Flathead County qualify as homeless under McKinney-Vento.

This means an estimated 350 students in Flathead County are living with unstable housing situations.

Sparrow's Nest is privately funded and offers housing to these students at no cost beyond a commitment to finish their high school education. In Montana, 16 is when students can drop out of school and this is the average age of our residents. Their length of stay depends on their school attendance. Currently, we are the first and only licensed residential facility for unaccompanied homeless youth in Montana.

How You Can Help

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